
  1. Defining the design and performance requirements to surfaces, such as hygiene, fire, hardness or scratch resistance, depending on the building section, such as wards, corridors, recreational areas or cafeteria.
  2. Development of both non-film forming and film-forming wall paints based on functionalised binders and new coating formulations that decrease microbial growth by > 50% compared to commercial coatings, and are highly chemical-resistant and water vapour damp permeable (Sd < 0.25).
  3. Assessment of the influence of wood species, surface structure and commercial and newly developed coatings on antimicrobial, antiviral and hygienic properties with the emphasis on temporal aspects.
  4. Assessment and documentation of the technical coating performance, such as chemical resistance, mechanical resistance and moisture buffer capacity.
  5. Predicting the impact of wood’s moisture buffer capacity on the moisture and energy level in indoor environment.
  6. Environmental and economic assessment of using wood (flooring, walls, ceiling) in comparison to conventional non-renewable alternatives.

Publishing Europe’s first guideline for the use of wood products in healthcare buildings and other facilities with high demands to surface hygiene.