White Arkitekter (WHITE) is one of Scandinavia’s leading architectural practices. They are an employee-owned architecture collective of about 800 employees, with presence in Sweden, Norway, UK, Germany, East Africa and Canada. Their head office is in Gothenburg, Sweden. They work with architecture, urban design, landscape architecture and interior design with a sharp focus on sustainability. Today, about 25 per cent of White’s revenue comes from assignments in the healthcare sector and about 190 employees work in healthcare sector assignments. Their own research organization, White Research Lab, enables employees to do practice-based research, development and innovation both in-house and in collaboration with partners in academia, business, authorities, NGOs and others. Wood and Healthcare are two central fields of development within WRL.

Role in the project:
White will lead WP2, in which the in-depth knowledge and experience of hospital concept design and construction form the base for the project’s practice-relevant development of coating material. White will also contribute to WP6 with dissemination of the results to actors in business, eg. through White’s established series of open events for knowledge sharing, as well as through organisations and networks of actors within the field of healthcare buildings. White will also be responsible for editing the European Guidelines in WP6, which will include inspirational examples of good practice.
Key personnel:
Dr. Anna-Johanna Klasander, arkitekt SAR/MSA and director of R&D, will lead WP2 in collaboration with arkitekt SAR/MSA Jens Axelsson, head of development for Healthcare building at White. Magnus Bunner, arkitekt SAR/MSA and an expert in wood architecture, have had a major role in the concept design and construction of Queen Silva Children’s Hospital and will contribute with all background material from the real case with an additional wish-list for where wood surfaces would be desired from an architectural and user experience point of view. Jens Axelsson will be responsible for the compilation of good practice in the European Guidelines.
Relevant expertise:
In their portfolio, White have several of the main healthcare projects in Scandinavia in recent years: The New Karolinska Hospital in Solna, the New Hospital in Malmoe, the Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital in Gothenburg, and the New Psychiatric Clinic at Södra Älvsborgs sjukhus in Borås. The two latter include elements of exposed wood in the care environment. White are involved in several research networks and organizations within the healthcare sector, both Swedish and international, eg. The Swedish Healthcare Facilities Network, Centre for Healthcare Architecture at Chalmers University of Technology, European Health Property Network, European Healthcare Design, Swecare, and New London Architecture – Healthcare Expert Panel.
Contact information:
Dr. Anna-Johanna Klasander
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Magasinsgatan 10, Box 2502, 40317 Göteborg, Sweden
Website: https://whitearkitekter.com/