The Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LSIWC), founded in 1946, is a State R&D institute providing research and testing in the field of wood science, wood and polymer chemistry, biotechnology. The main priorities of the multidisciplinary scientific activities are: wood and wood materials with upgraded properties for construction: protection, modification, renovation, maintenance; a biorefinery approach for producing chemicals and products from wood, its components and waste and other types of biomass; obtaining of green chemistry products and green polymers from wood and plant biomass and its processing residues. LSIWC has a long-term experience in the study of wood degradation and protection with the aim to prolong the service life of wood and wood-based materials including development of coating compositions for retaining the wood surface’s decorative and physical properties. Beside the technological developments, LSIWC is seriously engaged in the study of wood degradation mechanisms.

Role in the project:
The LSIWC will lead WP6 (Dissemination activities). In addition, it will be involved in WP3 with task T3.1” Non film forming wood coatings” and cooperation with WP4 and WP5.
Key personnel:
Dr.chem. Bruno Andersons, is senior researcher, Head of Laboratory of Wood Biodegradation and Protection. Dr. B. Andersons will lead WP 6. Dace Cirule is senior researcher, young scientist, specialized in wood science and an emphasis on surface properties. Errj Sansonetti, young scientist, with a background on surfactants, emulsification processes and water-based linseed oil coatings.
Relevant expertise:
H2020-814624 “Innovative and affordable service for the Preventive Conservation monitoring of individual Cultural Artefacts during display, storage, handling and transport CollectionCare” (2019-2022), 17 partners, B.Andersons is leading LSIWC part; ERDF project No. “Study of gluing and impregnation processes for the development of new bent glued wood products’ production”; ERDF projects No. “Wood coated with decorative finishing paint” (2020-2022) and “In-depth study of linseed oil paint application system conditions” (2019-2020).
Contact information:
Dr. Bruno Andersons
E-mail: [email protected]
Dzerbens iela 27, LV-1006, Riga, Latvia