Kick-off meeting (February 2022)
February 28, 2022 at 11:00 am
In the Kick-off meeting exact targets and outlines for the project activities for the next 12 months were set. Scientific presentations about the project results and plans were delivered via MS Teams to all the project personnel and interested stakeholders.
Meeting agenda:
- 11:00-11:15 Introduction of team members;
- 11:15-11:25 Overall concept of the project (Pekka Kilpeläinen/Vesa Virtanen, UOULU);
- 11:25-11:35 Introduction of the activities of WP1 (Project management) in the next 12 months (Pekka Kilpeläinen, UOULU);
- 11:35-11:45 Introduction of the activities of WP2 (Wood surfaces in healthcare buildings – practical experience) in the next 12 months (Anna-Johanna Klasander, WHITE);
- 11:45-11:55 Introduction of the activities of WP3 (Synthesis and formulation of wood coating materials) in the next 12 months (Claudia Shirp, WKI);
- 11:55-12:05 Introduction of the activities of WP4 (Antimicrobial, antiviral and hygienic properties of coatings and surfaces) in the next 12 months (Pekka Kilpeläinen, UOULU);
- 11:55-12:05 Introduction of the activities of WP5 (Technical, environmental and economic product performance) in the next 12 months (Ulrich Hundhausen, NTI)
- 11:05-12:15 Introduction of the activities of WP6 (Transnational dissemination) in the next 12 months (Bruno Andersons, LSIWC);
- 12:15-13:00 Discussion.